5 “Canadians” Attend Jew Hate Conference In Qatar

“…U.S. and European academics, Arab and Turkish diplomats, Iranian Holocaust deniers, a cult of Jewish rabbis who also have supported holocaust denial and called for the destruction of Israel, representatives of far-left political groups, and at least one individual tied to both the European far-right and far-left. This complete list is far too long to be comprehensively analyzed but includes the following individuals of particular interest who are tied to the Global Muslim Brotherhood, all with varying histories of anti-Semitism as well as anti-Israel incitement…

Yosif Alqaradawi (aka Youssef Qaradawi, most important leader of the Global Muslim Brotherhood, “spiritual patron” of Hamas)

Mohammad Akram Adaloni (aka Mohammad Akram Al-Adlouni, associate of Youssef Qaradawi and author of a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood document calling for the Islamic takeover of the United States)

Raed Salah (head of the Israeli Muslim Brotherhood, close to Hamas)

Ismail Patel (Friends of Al-Aqsa U.K, close to UK Muslim Brotherhood)

Arfat Shokry (aka Arafat Shukri, trustee of the Palestine Return Center (PRC), part of the UK Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood structure)

Nehad Awwad Hammad (aka Niwad Awad, head of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood)

5 “Canadians” attended:

Dr. Khalil Jawad Ramal VP pf Business Development Global Financial Canada
Dr. Salman Hussein Abu Sitta President Palestine Land Society Canada
Dr. Sam Bouji CEO Global Finance Canada
(Update: Sam Bouji is a major contributor to the Islamist infiltration of Huron University College) h/t Sanwin
Prof. Marion Boulby Professor Trent University Canada
Dr. Samer Mohammad Albirawi President Canadians – Palestinians Friends of Jerusalem Canada